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Public Speaking: A Two Day Seminar In Partnership With Westchester Community College

  • April 21, 2017
  • April 28, 2017
  • 2 sessions
  • April 21, 2017, 9:00 AM 4:00 PM (EDT)
  • April 28, 2017, 9:00 AM 4:00 PM (EDT)
  • Westchester Community College, 75 Grasslands Rd, Gateway Center - Room 110, Valhalla, NY 10595
  • 0


  • Member Registration

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Public Speaking: Preparing For and Delivering High Impact Presentations

Delivering presentations is a common aspect of many nonprofit jobs. This includes talking to potential funders, supporters, clients and staff. Many people are uncomfortable speaking in public whether in a formal presentation or while presenting ideas around a conference table. This program will improve your comfort, fluency and presence when presenting your ideas. It will give you the skills you will need to engage successfully with almost any audience. In addition, it will cover ways to overcome the nervousness that so many of us feel in front of an audience. 

Join us for this two day public speaking seminar you will learn how to prepare for and deliver a presentation. Woven throughout are activities providing practice and feedback. The topics include:

  • Preparing the presentation - the importance of analyzing the audience. This helps the presenter tailor the talk to the needs of the group. It also helps to anticipate potential questions that may come up in the question and answer portion of the talk.  
  • Design of the presentation – how to design the talk by using a format to structure ideas.
  • Designing and using visuals - How to create visuals that capture the attention of the audience. Visuals also become the notes the presenter uses while giving the talk.
  • Delivery - How the use of gestures, vocal variety and eye contact can help the presenter feel more comfortable and to connect with and engage with the audience.
  • Handling question and answer sessions - How to manage questions both during and after the presentation. This includes difficult questions; questions that need re-stating; questions for which the presenter does not have an answer, etc.
You will get the opportunity to apply these techniques and concepts in a supportive and encouraging environment, replete with facilitator and peer feedback. On the afternoon of day two, each member of the class will give a short presentation that will be recorded and will be made available for you to keep. The video is for your own purposes; it will not be played during the class or shared with anyone else.

This program helps the novice as well as the experienced speaker looking to improve their skills. The ultimate goal is to be able to present your ideas in an impactful and influential way.

Developing and growing these skills will enable you to contribute more effectively to the execution of your organization’s mission. 


  • While most of the costs associated with this course are covered by a grant from SUNY with an additional subsidy from NPW, a small fee covers the required match. 
  • Registrants must attend BOTH days. 
  • Space is limited (15 capacity). NPW members have the first opportunity to enroll; others may be able to enroll on a space available basis.
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