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Nonprofit Westchester (NPW) is Westchester’s only membership organization solely dedicated to advancing the needs and interests of the county’s nonprofit sector, the people we serve and the nonprofit workforce.

By joining Nonprofit Westchester you'll receive a host of member benefits that will provide you with the resources to strengthen your nonprofit:

Trainings, Events and Programs — From board governance and financial management to advancing equity and inclusion, NPW curates the top speakers for free and low-cost programs on topics relevant to your organizations.

Emerging Leaders Program — Take advantage of our 11-month professional development initiative to foster talent in the next generation of nonprofit leaders.

Network and Connect — Develop valuable professional relationships and learn at our Affinity Group sessions that share strategies to address challenges and opportunities facing small nonprofits, professionals in finance, IT and HR, new executive CEOs and executive directors and the BIPOC nonprofit workforce.

Research and Resources — Access data-driven reports and resources.

Nonprofit News and Resources Newsletter — Keep abreast of changes in the law, new strategies and what other organizations are doing to stay vital.

Policy and Advocacy Alerts — Stay up to date on the latest county, state and federal legislation and policy changes with NPW policy and advocacy alerts.

Advocacy Initiatives —Join forces with more than 300 diverse organizations in collaborative advocacy efforts to support the nonprofit sector.

Advocacy Toolkit — Learn about the “dos and don’ts” of lobbying and advocacy.

Employment Opportunities — Use our Job Board to post your openings and find new hires.

Nonprofit Community Calendar — List your upcoming events and programs on our community calendar.

Member News — Share news about your organizations, new hires, grants received, recognition, awards etc to keep the community informed and connected. 

“Nonprofit Westchester has become the central home for nonprofits in our county, harnessing the collective voice of the sector and elevating our work to deepen impact. By supporting and developing the nonprofit sector, NPW has helped create a stronger and more inclusive community for everyone. Being a member of NPW has benefited staff at Westhab at all levels, and has helped connect our work to the incredible work of nonprofit partners across the county and across disciplines and missions.”

Richard Nightingale
President & CEO of Westhab Inc.
Nonprofit Member

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