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Winter is Here: How the Federal and NYS Budgets Impact a Thriving Westchester

  • February 02, 2018
  • 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Pace University Law School, Tudor Room, 78 North Broadway, White Plains, NY 10603


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Westchester County just passed a very difficult budget, and anticipated cuts to the federal budget will require adjustments to New York State’s budget and leave Westchester County in the lurch.  

Let’s explore options for revenue generation to ensure our common well-being. What populations and programs are likely to be impacted and to what degree?  Examine our county’s fiscal preparedness as we look at the tax cap and the effect of eight years of zero tax increases. 

Join us for an interactive presentation with Ron Deutsch of the Fiscal Policy Institute as we map the terrain and explore viable proposals to #KeepWestchesterThriving.

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Thank You To Pace Women's Justice Center For Hosting.
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