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Health Insurance: Fewer Choices, Higher Prices, and What We Can Do About It: Human Resources & Finance Affinity Group

  • January 31, 2018
  • 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
  • PKF O'Connor Davies, 500 Mamaroneck Avenue, Harrison, NY
  • 0


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Human Resources & Finance Affinity Group

In this workshop we’ll review the most recent changes in the New York health insurance marketplace, and why carriers are continuing to exit.  We'll also take a look at some recent updates to the Affordable Care Act via legislation under the Trump Administration, and what types of changes that could bring to the group insurance marketplace.  Finally, we will explore short and long term strategies to reduce health insurance costs for the nonprofit employer and employee. Topics include:

  • ACA & NY requirements​
  • Difficulty as a low cost carrier and why some carriers leave the market
  • Solutions (both immediate and long term strategies to slow the cost curve)
  • Employee Education and Medical Consumerism
  • Future Outlook/Trump
Presenter: Amanda Ciecior, Employee Benefits Account Executive, Brown & Brown of NY, Inc.

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