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Visionary Women: Learning, Leading and Lifting

  • March 16, 2019
  • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Pace University Campus - Wilcox Hall

G.O.O.D. for Girls, Inc. in collaboration with Pace University's Women in Cybersecurity (WiCys) will present their first one day Conference for girls ages 11-18 and adults, entitled Visionary Women: Learning, Leading and Lifting.

The day will consist of workshops for girls and adults, a Career Expo featuring under-represented fields, a Panel Discussion, a tour of Pace University (for adults), a keynote speaker, continental breakfast and lunch.  The goal of the conference is to introduce young girls to various women who have broken the glass ceiling and accomplished their professional goals.  They will share their journey and offer insight to our girls to help them set goals and effective ways to achieve them.  Emotional Intelligence and Financial Aid workshops will be presented for the adults, as well as a tour of Pace University, Pleasantville Campus for adults wishing to learn more about Pace University.

This conference is not just for tween and teens but adult females can benefit from attending as well.  

Please go to our website, and register for the conference.  Do not wait until the last minute to register.  The deadline for registration is March 6, 2019.  Girls ages 11-18 is $5; Adults $15.

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