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Update with NY State Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and NY State Senator Shelley Mayer

  • May 11, 2020
  • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Online (Registrants will receive a link to join in advance)


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We are pleased to inform you that NYS Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and NYS Senator Shelley Mayer will join Nonprofit Westchester for an update on issues relevant to the nonprofit sector in Westchester.   


This will be an important meeting to discuss:

  • Concerns specific to the nonprofit sector amid coronavirus
  • How the nonprofit sector can sustain services and continue to address the needs of NY State's most vulnerable people, families, and communities
  • How we support the nonprofit workforce
  • The vital role the nonprofit sector will play in economic recovery and post-pandemic efforts

Event Sponsor

Government Relations Sponsor

Nonprofit Westchester (NPW) is Westchester’s only membership organization dedicated solely to advancing and advocating for the needs and interests of the county's nonprofit sector and the people and communities they serve. Representing nearly 200 nonprofit organizations and business members, the mission of NPW is to strengthen the visibility, capacity and impact of the nonprofit sector in Westchester County. For more information, visit

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