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Giving Tuesday

  • May 05, 2020

We Are In This Together

Join us Tuesday, May 5 for #GivingTuesdayNow

This emergency response to the unprecedented need 

caused by COVID-19 is a new global initiative meant to 

bring us all closer together, to inspire action, and to 

mobilize generosity where it's needed most. 

We are calling on everyone to take part however they can.

From sharing messages of unity to just raising your hand.

Together we will have 24 hours to take a stand!

Over the next week we will be listing

meaningful ways families, students, individuals of 

all backgrounds, teams, and businesses of every size 

can get involved & give back on #GivingTuesdayNow


There will be opportunities to take action from home

or wherever you find yourself these days!

Stay tuned and see you on Tuesday, May 5!

P.S. Do you know any inspiring and unique ways 

to give back locally that we should share?

Let us know!

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