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Holocaust & Human Rights Education Center-Paul Goldstein To Speak
Please join the Holocaust & Human Rights Education Center on May 21 at 5:00 p.m. from the safety and comfort of your home to hear Paul Goldstein‘s incredible of his parent’s survival living in Nazi-occupied Poland.
When Paul Goldstein was asked to speak to his synagogue on Holocaust Remembrance Day, he was moved by the impact his story had on the members of the congregation, and on him personally, that he now speaks to schools and organizations as a personal tribute to those who survived the Holocaust and to those who died.
Paul’s story tells how his parents cheated death in the Warsaw Ghetto, concentration camps, and POW camps, how they resisted the Nazis in the Warsaw Ghetto and fought with the Partisans. It is lessons of life, death, and survival—a tale of tragedy and resilience.
Paul has spent is professional life in the advertising world creating campaigns for DirecTV, Jose Cuervo, and Dunkin’ Donuts and has taught Marketing and Advertising at the college level.
From information and registration: https://hhrecny.org